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Australian candidate for the INTERPOL Executive Committee 2024 Delegate for Asia

The Australian Government endorses Australian Federal Police (AFP) Assistant Commissioner David McLean’s nomination for the INTERPOL Executive Committee as a Delegate for Asia.

David McLean

I’m incredibly humbled to have received Australian Government endorsement as a candidate for the INTERPOL Executive Committee position. My experience in national and international law enforcement – and the reputation and contribution of the AFP as an international policing agency – offers a unique opportunity to strengthen INTERPOL’s leadership at a critical time.

With over 30 years in law enforcement and security Dave has held many roles focussing on:

  • strategic guidance and leadership
  • harnessing effective and mutually beneficial working relationships
  • establishing and promoting effective governance
  • championing diversity of thought and lived experiences
  • establishing high performing teams
  • capability uplift
  • strengthening international diplomacy.

A career dedicated to protecting communities

Dave has dedicated his career to the AFP’s mission – protecting Australians and Australia’s interests. He has managed front line emergency first responders and local policing to international child protection and cybercrime operations, serving Australian and international communities. He has also undertaken important work to tackle many types of crime and refined skills across key corporate service areas:

Crime type experience

  • Frontline community policing
  • Child exploitation
  • Cybercrime
  • Aviation security
  • Internal investigations
  • Anti-corruption
  • Organised crime

Corporate service expertise

  • Government relations
  • International relations
  • Workforce planning
  • Industrial relations
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Media and public relations

As Assistant Commissioner, Dave currently manages the AFP’s international partnerships, engagement and operational outcomes across Asia, Americas, Africa, Middle East, Europe. This also includes arrangements with INTERPOL, Europol and the United Nations.

He has represented the AFP and Australian Government as a diplomat in Washington DC and London. Dave is now responsible for the Australian National Central Bureau (NCB), Europol National Contact Point and the AFP’s international network.

Dave brings his operational and leadership experience to the Executive Committee of INTERPOL, the world's largest law enforcement organisation, contributing to its future growth and success.

INTERPOL and the AFP… partners in international law enforcement

The AFP has a long and proud history of working with like-minded partners to protect Australia and its mutual interests, with this year being the 50th anniversary of its international presence.

In times of global uncertainty, the AFP has proven ready to support partners, promote stability and take the fight to criminal threats wherever they hide. To remain effective, the AFP will continue to grow its presence and influence across the world, and this has motivated its desire to share the leadership burden at INTERPOL.

The AFP is recognised and respected for its leadership in law enforcement cooperation, working with law enforcement counterparts around the world to help maintain sovereignty and respect the rule of law. International partnerships deliver professional policing services, share intelligence on transnational crime threats and strengthen regional and global resilience. Australia’s expertise in various areas has led to ongoing involvement, feedback and contribution to INTERPOL specialist forums, initiatives, and projects to support improved capability, global standards, and operational outcomes.

The AFP’s (and Australia’s) candidacy for the INTERPOL Executive Committee on behalf of the Asia region is a significant next step to address the challenges and opportunities faced in safeguarding communities, delivering mutual benefits in work with international partners, and ultimately keeping the community safe.

David McLean talking in Washington

INTERPOL’s future success will depend on understanding emerging criminal threats and innovating and responding accordingly. We will only achieve this by developing effective partnerships with multilateral institutions, public and private enterprise and academia. With your support in Glasgow, I will bring my experience, energy and commitment to helping INTERPOL meet these challenges.

Key pillars of effort

Dave’s positive impact on the INTERPOL Executive Committee will focus on 5 key areas of effort, working with member counties to:

Train and develop frontline police officers, ensuring tools and services are practical and provide support.

Ensure individual country rights are upheld and National Central Bureaus (NCBs) utilise and manage access to capabilities effectively and responsibly. NCBs recognise responsibilities for national systems and security and different perspectives are considered.

Ensure INTERPOL stays at the forefront of international law enforcement by having the most up-to-date capabilities and the ability to share and deliver training in a targeted manner for maximum impact.

Ensure the fundamental basis for law enforcement cooperation remains focused on human rights, compliance and regulation under national laws. This includes active engagement in prevention, suppression and investigation of crimes and commitments to public safety and order.

Ensure INTERPOL outcome-focused and performance reporting ensures success against agreed objectives. This includes shaping and measuring impact against priorities and using this to assist executive decision-making and demonstrate value to the communities it serves.

Appointment to the INTERPOL Executive Committee 2024

INTERPOL member countries are asked to consider AFP Assistant Commissioner Dave McLean as a Delegate for Asia on the Executive Committee when they gather for the General Assembly in November 2024 in Glasgow.