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Investigating threats, violence and hatred towards the Australian Jewish community and parliamentarians
    About this crime type

    About this crime

    Antisemitism is the demonstration of hostility, prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people or Judaism as a religious, ethnic or racial group. 

    We've set up Special Operation Avalite to investigate threats, violence and hatred towards the Australian Jewish community and parliamentarians.

    Working closely with ASIO and state and territory police, AFP police and analysts who are experienced counter-terrorism investigators, work across the country to investigate Commonwealth offences that include but are not limited to:

    • urging violence against members of groups
    • advocating terrorism
    • advocating genocide
    • unlawful display of prohibited symbols
    • using a carriage service to make a threat, cause harm or harass
    • using a carriage service to make available personal data of one or more individuals.

    Reporting antisemitism

    If you have witnessed or suspect antisemitism activity, call the 24-hour National Security Hotline1800 123 400.

    For non-urgent antisemitism-related matters, send us information by filling out our

    Report a crime form

    In an emergency, call000 for police, fire brigade or ambulance.