AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Human trafficking and people smuggling

Identifying and disrupting people and crime syndicates who commit crimes involving human exploitation
    About this crime type

    About these crimes

    Human life is precious, and we're dedicated to protecting it. In Australia and overseas, we investigate crimes involving human exploitation and crimes that break immigration laws. These include:

    Crimes involving human exploitation can also include crimes against children.

    Human trafficking and slavery

    Human trafficking involves moving people through the use of deception, force or coercion. People may be moved within a country or internationally. Traffickers have control over them in ways that result in ongoing exploitation, such as slavery, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage.

    Learn more about human trafficking and slavery.

    People smuggling

    People smugglers are individuals or groups who help others to enter a country illegally. They are paid voluntarily by those who wish to migrate irregularly. However, sometimes the line between people smuggling and human trafficking is blurred. A person can be trafficked during or after the smuggling process.

    Learn more about people smuggling.

    Crime Interrupted

    We provided exclusive access to our case vault and this podcast series provides a detailed insight into how the AFP interrupts the most serious of crimes.

    Crime interrupted podcast

    Our work

    In Australia, the AFP leads investigations into crimes that involve the exploitation of people or that break immigration laws (such as people smuggling). To do this, we often work closely with other policing and government agencies, including:

    • state and territory police
    • Department of Home Affairs
    • Australian Border Force
    • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    • Fair Work Ombudsman
    • Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
    • Office of the Special Investigator.

    We also work closely with INTERPOL and other international partners to stop criminals with links to Australia.

    Report a crime or concern

    We can investigate Commonwealth crimes (sometimes called federal crimes) and crimes that take place in the Australian Capital Territory. What best describes the crime you want to report or what you want to tell us about?

    Join us

    Use your investigation or intelligence skills to help us identify and stop people smuggling, human trafficking and slavery.

    It's hard work, but it literally changes lives.

    Our teams work in Australia and internationally, often disrupting criminals in their home countries.

    We employ intelligence officers and analysts to uncover links between criminal organisations and Australia, and to understand how these crimes are linked to global trends.

    We also have specialist investigative team members who work in the field, uncovering and exposing exploitation.

    Find out more about these roles:

    You can apply for positions when they are advertised on our Jobs portal.

    Police and PSOs

    Canine handler

    Specialist and support

    Analyst or officer – Intelligence Operations

    Specialist and support

    Examiner or investigator - Forensics

    Police and PSOs

    Police officer – national policing