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Sydney man charged over alleged plot to import more than 250kg of ‘pink cocaine’

Editor’s note: Images of the ‘pink cocaine’ are available via Hightail

The AFP has charged a Matraville man for his alleged involvement in a plot to import 252kg of a dangerous illicit drug cocktail, known as ‘pink cocaine’, into Australia by international air cargo.   

The substance, also named ‘tusi’, commonly contains a mixture of ketamine, MDMA and other adulterants, and rarely contains any cocaine.

The AFP began an investigation in October 2024 into a transnational drug trafficking syndicate targeting Australia after 252kg of ‘pink cocaine’ was seized in an air cargo consignment – labelled as containing an industrial saw – destined for Castle Hill, NSW.

The AFP undertook a controlled delivery operation and on 6 November, 2024, the consignment was delivered to the Castle Hill address and allegedly accessed by the Matraville man.

The man, 21, was arrested by AFP investigators in Coogee a short time later and was subsequently charged with attempting to possess a commercial quantity of an unlawfully imported border controlled drug, contrary to sections 307.5 and 11.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). The maximum penalty for this offence is life imprisonment.

He appeared before Downing Centre Local Court on Thursday, 7 November, 2024, where he was formally refused bail. He is expected to next return to court on 29 January, 2025.

AFP Acting Superintendent Stuart Millen said the seizure of such a significant quantity of ‘pink cocaine’ destined for Australia was a concern for policing agencies across the country.

“’Pink cocaine’ is made up of an unpredictable cocktail of illicit drugs, meaning anyone who consumes the drug has no idea what they are putting in their body. Despite the name, it rarely contains cocaine,” a/Superintendent Millen said.

“The dangers of all illicit drug consumption can be severe, including loss of consciousness, stroke, heart attack and even death. Consuming a cocktail of illicit drugs significantly increases those risks.

“Branding this cocktail of harmful drugs as ‘pink cocaine’ is a ploy designed by drug syndicates to maximise profits at the expense of the health and welfare of users.

“The AFP is closely monitoring the notable increase in ‘pink cocaine’ detections domestically, and offshore, throughout 2024.

"This outcome has prevented a large amount of illicit drugs from reaching our communities and causing harm, and put a sizeable dent in the wallets of organised crime.”

Note to media

Media are encouraged to include help-seeking information in stories about illicit drugs to minimise any negative impact on people in the community. The following services provide people with access to support and information.

  • For free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drug treatment services call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.
  • Access free 24/7 drug and alcohol counselling online.
  • For information about drug and alcohol addiction treatment or support, go to the Turning Point website.
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