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Media Release

Merry Christmas! The AFP media Advent calendar is ready to sleigh it

Tomorrow the AFP will launch its annual media Advent calendar, which will include crime trends, operational success and tips for parents and carers over the school holidays.

Every day until Christmas Eve, the AFP will publish an Advent media release that highlights how the AFP has kept Australians safe in 2023 by disrupting crime onshore and offshore.

The media releases cover the AFP’s crime priorities, including cybercrime and fraud; child protection; transnational serious organised crime; and extremism and terrorism. There will also be a focus on human trafficking, illicit drug trends and education messages.

The media Advent calendar will culminate on Christmas Eve with a festive message from AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw.

Some of the media releases will contain a hightail link for grabs for radio and TV, and images for print.

For media interviews, please email:

View the Advent calendar 2023.

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