Part 1 - Introduction
1. Title
- This Agreement will be known as the Australian Federal Police Enterprise Agreement 2024 - 2027.
2. Parties to the Agreement
- This Agreement covers:
- the Commissioner, for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia as the Employer;
- all AFP Employees other than those who are:
- SES Employees;
- deployed overseas under section 40H(1) of the AFP Act and where a determination under section 40H(2) of that Act is in place (except for those Employees engaged in External Territories); or
- special members of the AFP appointed under section 40E of the AFP Act, with the exception of those special members who were Employees of the AFP before being declared a special member; and
- subject to notice being given in accordance with section 183 of the Fair Work Act, the following employee organisations which were a bargaining representative for this Agreement:
- the Australian Federal Police Association; and
- the Community and Public Sector Union.
3. Dates of Operation
- This Agreement comes into operation and commences seven days after the date of approval by the Fair Work Commission.
- The Agreement will have a nominal expiry date of 3 years after commencement.
4. Delegation
- The Commissioner may delegate or authorise any or all of their powers and functions under this Agreement, including this power of delegation, and may do so subject to conditions.
- A person exercising delegated powers or functions under this Agreement must comply with any directions of the Commissioner.
5. NES Precedence
- The terms of this Agreement are intended to apply in a manner that does not derogate from the NES. The NES will continue to apply to the extent that any term of this Agreement is detrimental to an Employee of the AFP in any respect when compared with the NES.
6. Executive Level Employees
- The following sections of this Agreement do not apply to Executive Level Employees:
- 13 - Broadband and advancement arrangements
- 15 - Entry Level Programs
- Part 3 - Technical Specialist Framework
- 26 - Roles and determination of working patterns
- 27 - Composite allowances
- 28 - Removal of Core Composite
- 29 - Fixed Term Mobility
- 30 - Working patterns during training or development
- 31 - Stand Down
- 33 - Operations working pattern
- 34 - Rostered operations working pattern
- 35 - Support working pattern
- 36 - Overtime
- 37 - Temporary operational composite
- 38 - Critical Event Composite
- 40 - Night Shift Allowance
- 41 - Unsociable Hours Allowance
- 42 - On-Call Allowance
- 43 - Recalled to Duty
- 44 - Close Duty Allowance
- 47 - Rapid Deployment Allowance
- 57 - Mandatory Rest Days
- 91 - Performance Development Agreement process
- 92 - Employment Related Travel
- Attachment A
- Attachment C
- Attachment D – sections 109, 110, 112, 115 and 116.
7. Definitions
Term | Definition |
12 Month Averaging Period | means the annual period, inclusive of all calendar days, from 1 July up to and including 30 June each year, and is applicable only to:
2017 Agreement | means the Australian Federal Police Enterprise Agreement 2017- 2020. |
2019 Agreement | means the Australian Federal Police Executive Level Enterprise Agreement 2019 - 2021. |
Acceptable Evidence | means:
AFP Act | means the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (Cth) (as amended from time to time). |
AFP | means the Australian Federal Police. |
AFP Employee | means an employee engaged under section 24 of the AFP Act. |
Afternoon Shift | means as a normal pattern of attendance of eight hours or more where an Employee ceases duty between 1900-0200 hours. |
Agreement | means the Australian Federal Police Enterprise Agreement 2024 - 2027. |
Australian Defence Force Cadets | means the Australian Navy Cadets, Australian Army Cadets, or the Australian Air Force Cadets. |
Australian Federal Police Regulations | means the Australian Federal Police Regulations 2018 (Cth) (as amended from time to time). |
Band 1 - 8 Classification Structure | means the eight Salary Band levels to which the AFP applies work level standards and sets associated performance expectations (with the exception of the Technical Specialist Framework classification and Executive Level Classification Structure). |
Bandwidth | means the hours within 0600-2000 Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) and is applicable only to Employees assigned to the Support working pattern. |
Base Salary | means the Salary Band and Increment Point against which an Employee is remunerated and, except for the calculation of higher duties allowance, does not include any allowances in Part 6 or Part 7 of this Agreement. |
Base Salary Hourly Rate | means a payment in accordance with the following formula: (Base Salary x 12/313)/80). |
Casual Employee | means an Employee who:
Charter of Performance | means the document created under the AFP's performance development and performance appraisal system for Executive Level Employees. |
Child | means a biological child, adopted child, foster child, stepchild, or ward. |
Commencement Date | means the date on which this Agreement comes into operation, in accordance with section 3 of this Agreement. |
Commissioner | means the Commissioner of the AFP and/or their authorised delegates. |
Core Composite | has the meaning given in sub-section 27(7) and 29(7)(a) of this Agreement. |
Core Hours | are 0800-1600 Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays and are applicable only to Employees assigned to the Support working pattern. |
Critical Event Composite | has the meaning given in section 38 of this Agreement. |
De facto partner | means a person who, regardless of gender, is living in a common household with the Employee in a bona fide, domestic, interdependent partnership, although not legally married to the Employee. |
Employee/s | means an employee covered by this Agreement, in accordance with sub- section 2(1)(b) of this Agreement. |
Employee representative | means a person (whether an Employee or not) elected or chosen by an Employee, or elected or chosen by a group of Employees in a workplace, to represent the individual and/or collective views of those Employees in relation to a matter under this Agreement. |
Executive Level Classification Structure | means the Salary Band levels to which the AFP applies work level standards and sets associated performance expectations for Executive Level Employees. |
Executive Level Employee | means an Employee who is engaged as an Executive Level Employee. |
External Territories | has the meaning given by section 2B of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth). |
Fair Work Act | means the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (as amended from time to time). |
Fair Work Regulations | means the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth) (as amended from time to time). |
Family | means:
Family and Domestic Violence | has the same meaning as in section 106B(2) of the Fair Work Act. |
Financial Year | means the 12-month period from 1 July to 30 June. |
Firm Barrier | means a point within a broadband where job availability and/or successful assessment against relevant criteria may be required prior to advancement across a classification level within the broadband. |
Fixed Term Mobility (FTM) Role | has the meaning given in sub-section 29(4) of this Agreement. |
Flex Credit | means the accumulation of time worked in addition to an Employee's Normal Working Hours over a Three Month Averaging Period. |
Flex Debit | means a debit of time as calculated against an Employee's Normal Working Hours over a Three Month Averaging Period. |
Full-Time Employee | means an Employee, who is not a Casual Employee, who has an approved regular working pattern of 40 hours per week. |
Hard Barrier | means a break between two classification levels where the only mechanism for internal advancement is through a selection process based on Merit Principles. |
Incremental Advancement | means advancement in accordance with section 11 of this Agreement. |
Increment Point | means the point within a Salary Band that an Employee is paid. |
Individual Flexibility Arrangement | means an agreement made in accordance with section 86 of this Agreement. |
Localised Business Travel | means business travel by an Executive Level Employee that is no more than 150km (via the most direct route) from the Employee's primary work location. |
Long Service Leave Act | means the Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1976 (Cth) (as amended from time to time). |
Maternity Leave Act | means the Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1973 (Cth) (as amended from time to time and any successor legislation). |
Merit (including "Merit Principles") | means ensuring all eligible people are provided an opportunity to apply for existing vacancies, and that any employment decisions are transparent and based on a fair assessment of the applicant's ability to perform a role and is consistent with Regulation 3 of the Australian Federal Police Regulations. |
Member | means an AFP Employee in respect of whom a declaration under section 40B of the AFP Act is in force. |
Minimum Rest Period | means a period of time during which an Employee is not required to perform duties and during which the period of rest does not count towards a Three Month Averaging Period or Roster Period. However, where an Employee has been directed to Stand Down to receive a Minimum Rest Period, the period of Stand Down counts towards a Three Month Averaging Period or Roster Period. |
NES | means the National Employment Standards at Part 2-2 of the Fair Work Act. |
Night Shift | means any normal pattern of attendance of eight hours or more, where more than two hours of the rostered shift or scheduled attendance occurs between 0000 and 0600 hours. |
Normal Working Hours | has the meaning given in sub-section 25(5) of this Agreement. |
Operational Requirement/s | refers to the requirements of the role of an AFP Employee and any direction to perform other duties. |
Ordinary Time | means hours that are worked and recorded at single time based on an averaged 40 hour week (which comprises 38 ordinary hours of work plus two reasonable additional hours). |
Overtime | means time worked in addition to an Employee's Normal Working Hours. |
Overtime Rate | means a payment in accordance with the following formula: ((Base Salary x 12/313)/40) |
Parliamentary Service | means employment under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 (Cth). |
Partner | means a spouse or De facto partner. |
Part-Time Employee | means an Employee, who is not a Casual Employee, who has an approved regular working pattern of less than 40 hours per week. |
Performance Development Agreement | means an agreement made under the AFP's performance development and performance appraisal system. |
Public Holiday | has the meaning given in section 69 of this Agreement. |
Policing Experience | means service performed in a role that is restricted to police due to the requirement to exercise police powers and/or police experience, knowledge and training. This can include police experience from another policing organisation or any role determined by the Commissioner. Time spent as a police recruit does not count towards Policing Experience. |
Primary Caregiver | for the purposes of the parental leave provisions means a pregnant Employee with an entitlement under the Maternity Leave Act, or an Employee other than a Casual Employee who has primary care responsibility for a Child who is born to them or who is adopted or in long-term foster care as per the provisions on adoption and long-term foster care in this Agreement. |
Relevant Employee | means an affected Employee. |
Rest Day | means a calendar day where an Employee does not commence duty as part of their Normal Working Hours. |
Roster Period | means a period specified in a written roster, issued by the AFP from time to time, which outlines the expected attendance pattern, of Normal Working Hours, for Employees assigned to the Rostered Operations working pattern. |
Salary Band | means the range of Increment Points within the AFP's Classification Structures. |
Secondary Caregiver | for the purposes of the parental leave provisions means an Employee, other than a pregnant Employee or Casual Employee, who has Secondary care responsibility for a Child who is born to them, or for a Child who is adopted or in long-term foster care as per the provisions on adoption and long-term foster care in this Agreement. |
SES Employee | means an Employee declared as a Senior Executive AFP Employee under section 25 of the AFP Act. |
Soft Barrier | means a point within a broadband where successful assessment against relevant criteria is required prior to further incremental salary advancement. |
Stand Down | means a period of Ordinary Time an Employee is not required to work that counts towards a Three Month Averaging Period or Roster Period in accordance with section 31 of this Agreement. |
Supervisor | means a person who carries the responsibility for the supervision of one or more Employees, including the monitoring of attendance and performance. |
Technical Specialist | has the meaning given in section 18 of this Agreement. |
Technical Specialist Framework Classification Structure | means the Salary Band levels to which the AFP applies work level standards and sets associated performance expectations for Technical Specialists. |
Three Month Averaging Period | means four annual periods, inclusive of all calendar days, from:
Weekend | means any Saturday and Sunday from 0000 hours Saturday to 2359 hours Sunday. |
Weekend Worked | means that no less than four hours has actually been worked during a Weekend but does not include any hours paid at the Overtime Rate or worked during a recall to duty. |
Working Day | means: