Featured publications

A selection of current publications. To view more publications, you can visit our News Centre.

Annual reports

Each financial year we report on our performance and provide information about our organisational structure and governance practices.

Corporate plan

Our corporate plan sets out our purpose, priorities and capabilities and how we manage these in our operating environment.

Enterprise agreement

Working conditions for AFP staff are set out in our enterprise agreement.

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023-26

Our diversity and inclusion priorities and outcomes for the next 4 years.

AFP Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-24

Priorities for the AFP as we progress our reconciliation journey.

International Engagement 2020 and beyond

How the AFP's international engagement contributes to the strategies as outlined in Policing for a Safer Australia: Strategy for Future Capability.

AFP Blue Paper to 2030 and Beyond: The future of federal policing

The AFP Blue Paper considers the AFP’s journey over the past 45 years and challenges which have given rise to our agency as it currently stands.

International Command Gender Strategy 2018-2024

 How the AFP incorporates gender into operations off-shore, in a dynamic and complex world. 

Older publications

Older publications can be found by visiting Trove - the National Library of Australia's online publications archive. 

Australian Government web archive (TROVE)