AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Specialist and support staff

Help us protect Australians and Australia's interests

Types of roles

Specialist roles

We are always looking for people with specialised skills and experience to help us keep Australia and Australians safe.

For example:

Support roles

Support roles are vital to our frontline operations. They include roles in corporate services, such as:

  • communications
  • procurement
  • property management
  • human resources
  • legal
  • finance
  • security.

Some specific support roles include:

  • human resources officers – provide advice, guidance and support in line with our human resource policies and programs
  • psychologists – provide professional psychological and mental health services to our employees
  • health and fitness professionals – deliver training to improve the health and wellbeing of all our staff
  • logistics officers – ensure our operations have the goods and services needed for success
  • media liaison officers – work with the media and wider community, and respond to questions from journalists.

Read our people's stories to find out more about life in the AFP.  We also have work experience opportunities for high-school aged students each year.

Application process


You can apply for our specialist and support roles if you are:

  • over 18 years old
  • an Australian citizen
  • able to obtain a Negative Vetting 1 Security Clearance
  • able to meet our character standards
  • willing to undergo any police, character, health or other checks if required.


To see available positions, visit our current vacancies

As part of your application, you'll need to:

  • answer some questions to ensure you meet our eligibility criteria
  • upload your resume and any other required documents (e.g. your pitch)
  • provide contact details for 2 referees that we can contact to discuss your previous work performance and character.

If you're shortlisted, we'll update you via email and you'll be asked to complete the Employment Suitability Questionnaire. Make sure you use a current email address and check that our emails don't go to your junk mail.

It can take several months for a process to be finalised. Please be patient.

Employment Suitability Questionnaire

The Employment Suitability Questionnaire helps us understand your character.

Along with your traffic history, we use it to assess whether you meet our character standards.

You'll be asked a series of questions, including whether you have:

  • any criminal history or prior convictions (at any age)
  • any associations with people or groups who are well-known to law enforcement
  • spent any significant periods of time overseas
  • travelled regularly to places of interest to the AFP.

You'll also have to provide us with a traffic history from any place you have held a valid driver's licence. This includes any licence you've held overseas. Your traffic history must cover your entire driving history. You must have obtained a copy of your traffic history no more than 3 months before the date you submit it to us.


If you pass the assessments and checks, you may be invited to attend an interview.

It might be an in-person interview or an online video call. 

We may contact the referees you provided as part of your application to confirm your character and related experience.

Offer of employment

If you're successful, you'll receive an offer of employment through our Jobs portal.

Sometimes candidates aren't offered a position. But this isn't the end of your journey with the AFP.

For some roles we may place candidates who aren't offered a position in a 'merit pool' for 12 months. This means we may offer you another position in the AFP if one is available.

You can browse other roles in current vacancies.

Undergo a security assessment

Before you start working with us, you'll need a security clearance. The AFP Personnel Security Vetting Team will look at your past, going back at least 10 years. They'll assess:

  • your employment, residential, financial and personal history
  • any history of disregarding the law
  • any significant periods you've spent living in foreign countries
  • regular travel abroad to regions of interest.

If you have a partner, the security assessment will include them and their background.

As part of this process, you'll also be asked to:

  • undergo mandatory drug testing and provide your fingerprints.

Benefits and conditions

We offer many competitive benefits and conditions for Band 1-8 level roles. These include:

  • clear salary progression under the AFP Enterprise Agreement
  • 6 weeks of paid annual leave per year (plus additional Christmas stand-down), with options to purchase more leave, take leave at half pay, or cash out leave
  • 4 mandatory rest days per year
  • 18 days of paid personal leave per year
  • 16 weeks of paid maternity leave after 12 months of service for each pregnancy, and an extra 36 weeks of maternity leave without pay
  • 15.4 per cent superannuation, including during all periods of maternity leave
  • 40-hour working week with the option of flexible working arrangements
  • access to flextime.

Other benefits include paid domestic and family violence leave, paid long-service leave, and provisions for adoption leave and compassionate leave.

Learn more about our benefits and conditions.

My vision is for the AFP to continue to grow as an agile, innovative and progressive police force; one that is reflective of the community we serve, and relentless in the pursuit of unleashing maximum damage on the criminal environment.

Reece P Kershaw APM
AFP Commissioner

Get in touch

AFP Recruitment

View and apply for jobs

If you have a question and can’t find the answer, you can contact us Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 4 pm Canberra time (AEST) or email us anytime, email is the preferred contact method.