Conducting research with us
Our Research and Innovation team regularly engages in research projects and partnerships with:
- external organisations
- industry
- academics.
We support quality research ideas that align with our Corporate Plan and help us further our operational priorities.
How to enquire
Complete the Research Enquiry Form to express your interest in a research collaboration with us.
Before completing the form, you'll need to have a well-developed idea of your project, including:
- a clear summary, research aims and objectives
- an idea of how you'd like us to contribute
- the ethical considerations and potential risks of your project
- the kinds of benefits your research will deliver
- approximate project dates.
All researchers involved with the research project must comply with the following Australian standards:
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Your potential project will be evaluated on its:
- alignment to our operational priorities and Corporate Plan
- potential to enhance law enforcement practices and/or policies
- ability to support improvements in the way we do business
- efficient use of AFP time and resources
- quality of methodology
- availability of relevant AFP support.
Once you've completed the form, our Research and Innovation team will review your application.
If it meets our criteria, we will connect you with the appropriate area of the AFP to discuss the project further.
Research Innovation Challenge
In 2023, we launched the first AFP Research Innovation Challenge.
The aim of the challenge is to:
- create connections between researchers, industry and the AFP
- foster collaborations to address operational policing challenges
- support the translation of academic and industry research to policing and national security practice
- stimulate conversations across disciplines to address complex contemporary issues in policing.
Student participants are invited from Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Authority accredited Australian universities.
Challenge 1 focused on the question:
How might we leverage alternative commercially available methods of drug destruction to incineration?
We're excited to announce that we'll be engaging with the 2 winning teams from the University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales, to address Challenge 1.
AFP Library
Our library at the AFP College isn't open to the general public. Only AFP members can access the library.
In partnership with Informit, we produce the AFP Digest. It's a bibliographic database of over 60,000 print and digital catalogue items on policing and law enforcement from 1991 onwards.
Policing topics covered in the AFP Digest include:
- cybercrime
- forensics
- human trafficking
- illicit drugs
- law
- leadership
- serious and organised crime
- terrorism
- training.
You can get an Informit subscription to AFP Digest.
For general information on the AFP Digest, contact the AFP Library.