National policing services

Our National Operations State Service Centre is your first point of contact with us

National Operations State Service Centre

The National Operations State Service Centre (NOSSC) supports the AFP with centralised monitoring, initial response, coordination and communications. It helps:

  • prevent and disrupt crime
  • respond to emerging national and international issues
  • protect Australia from serious organised crime and terrorism.

The NOSSC Watchfloor is in Canberra. The NOSSC also has offices in each state.

Our teams are here to help you report Commonwealth crimes

Members of the public

Always call000 in an emergency.

Call131 444 for non-emergency police assistance, to report minor crimes, and for all general enquiries.

Members of the public can contact us about:

You can also report a Commonwealth crime to us by either:

Contact details for each NOSSC office are provided at the end of this page.

Please do not contact the NOSSC regarding National Police Certificate checks. Instead, contact Criminal Records.

Law enforcement, government and international partners

The NOSSC can help if you need to:

  • link the AFP International Network to foreign law enforcement agencies
  • link to state and territory police
  • coordinate operational and incident response for the AFP
  • share intelligence and information on police incidents.

Learn more about our:

Australian Government departments or agencies

If you work for an Australian Government department or agency, you can report an allegation of criminal conduct to the NOSSC.

All reports should be made using the Agency Report a Crime form. Please speak with us before starting any internal investigation.

File icon

For us to accept your report, you must provide supporting material as soon as possible. We may also request specialist skills, support or records from the reporting agency.

If you allege the unlawful release of Commonwealth information, you must complete the harm statement section or attach a separate statement.

Send all forms to the NOSSC in the state or territory where the suspected offence occurred.

Learn more about Commonwealth crimes:

Concealing your identity

If you wish to be anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers.

The information you give them will be given to the relevant area.

Prioritising your information

After you contact the NOSSC, we will assess your information and prioritise urgent matters.

If your report is less urgent or needs investigation, we'll assign it to a specialist team. You may receive further communication from us, or we may not need to contact you again.


NOSSC Canberra (ACT)

Canberra office

GPO Box 401
Canberra ACT 2601

NOSSC Central Command (SA/NT)

Adelaide and Darwin offices

PO Box 200
Kent Town SA 5071

NOSSC Eastern Command (NSW)

Sydney office

Locked Bag A3000
Sydney South NSW 1232

NOSSC Northern Command (Qld)

Brisbane, Cairns and Gold Coast offices

PO Box 920
Spring Hill QLD 4004

NOSSC Southern Command (Vic/Tas)

Melbourne and Hobart offices

GPO Box 485
Melbourne VIC 3001

NOSSC Western Command (WA)

Perth office

PO Box 586
West Perth WA 6872