Information Publication Scheme

Creating a more open & transparent culture across the Australian public sector

Information Publication Scheme

The Information Publication Scheme (IPS) promotes proactive disclosure of public sector information. It requires Australian Government agencies, like us, to publish information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).

On this page and throughout the website we progressively publish documents required under the IPS. This aligns with our IPS Plan.

 The IPS doesn’t require the AFP to publish information exempt from disclosure under the FOI Act or is prohibited from being released under other laws.

Who we are

What we do

Our reports and responses to Parliament

Our finances

Routinely requested information

Consultation arrangements (reviews and inquiries)

We are required to publish details of consultation arrangements for the public to comment on reviews and proposals we are involved in.

Afghanistan Inquiry

In 2020, the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force released the Afghanistan Inquiry report (the Brereton Report).

Since the report's release, we have been working with the Office of the Special Investigator (OSI) to investigate allegations of criminal offences under Australian law. The allegations relate to alleged breaches of the international Law of Armed Conflict by Australian special forces in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016.

In March 2023, a New South Wales man was charged with War Crime – Murder under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) Division 268. This is the first war crime charge of murder to be laid against a serving or former Australian Defence Force member under Australian law.

These crimes could also potentially be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court.

If you have information relevant to the Afghanistan Inquiry, contact the OSI.

Our publications

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Get in touch

To access AFP information or documents under the FOI Act contact our FOI Officer:

by email:

by post:

Freedom of Information
Australian Federal Police
GPO Box 401
Canberra City ACT 2601